I am glad that I entered the fair this year. It was the last year to enter, but my placings helped give me a boost of self confidence in my work. It would be nice if I could come back next year and work on improving my scores, but instead it will have to be a personal judgment. I’ve been asked to do Senior Portraits for an older sibling of one of Michael’s girlfriends. Once I take payment for my first photograph I am no longer considered a Hobby Photographer. It will feel good to call myself a professional photographer.

I entered 5 pieces this year in the following categories: People Color, People Black and White, Animals and Insects Color, Plants Color, and Computer Manipulation. Two were shot on a basic point and shoot Fuji Film Finepix Z30 compact camera. Those pieces are not featured in the gallery here on hollyelizabethjean.us but links can be found on the About Me Page under Awards, or on the Awards section on the Clay County Fair Project. The other three are featured here in my gallery in Children and Nature folders and were shot with a DSLR Nikon d5000.Of those shot with a compact camera; one was a picture in black and white of my son in a suit, turning away from me on an old wooden bridge known as Thunder Bridge. It received a Second Place Ribbon. The other is a computer manipulated or “photoshopped” picture of a water drop on a dream catcher feather. It also received a Second Place Ribbon.

Those photographed using the dslr camera, the first was of my son against a brick wall. This picture received an Honorable Mention or Best of Class award. The next picture that received a Second Place Ribbon was the yellow flowers similar to Black Eyed Susans. The picture that ranked the lowest with a Third Place Ribbon was a photograph of a bee on purple flowers. My portfolio currently has two bees, the one entered is the photograph in landscape or horizontal orientation.

I was pleased with my rankings. I did find myself disagreeing with some of the placings on other photographs. I found some that won First Place Ribbons were no better than simple and unfocused snapshots. And some that placed Second and Third were much better. The Animal and Insects category was most true in this less than fair judging. I did see some pieces that blew me away and I could not understand why they placed so low. The composition and quality were outstanding. And then there were pictures that were fine for family albums, but not really exhibit worthy. But it was great that so many wonderful and still learning photographers entered and tried their best. The Youth Division of the Photography Exhibit was also an outstanding display of photography. Some of the photographs taken by young children blew the adult entries out of the water.

In the end, I am satisfied with this year and finally entering after so many years of not. I have no regrets and have come out of this feeling better. In a week I will get my pictures back and will be able to read the judges’ comments and know where I need to improve on my work.