My name is Holly Elizabeth-Jean. Yes I have two middle names. And my last name is not important. I have lived my entire life in Iowa, though spread throughout many towns. I have always loved taking pictures. Becoming a parent only solidified that enjoyment. Once my son reached school age, I found myself annoyed with the school portraits and one day decided to try to do his portraits myself. On a simple Nikon 4MP camera I did his first portraits. Looking back, they are quite horrid. But the encouragement I got from those shots inspired me to keep trying. On a 10MP camera I did another few sets of portraits which were good enough the photo-lab required me to sign a copyright on them.The picture to the right is an example of one of those portraits done on a regular point and shoot camera. Since then my passion has been growing, and photography has become an obsession of mine. Now equipped with my first DSLR camera, I have found new worlds opening to me as I set out with a camera and a bit of imagination.
Someday I hope to take a portrait or photograph that renders somebody speechless for a second to two. Something that makes them smile, or mouths drop in awe. I am not there yet, but someday maybe I will be able to do that.
I’m still getting started in my journey into professional photography, but this has been a dream of mine for a very long time, and it feels so good to be finally able to work on making it come true. It is a journey; and for this one, its not the destination that matters, it is all the experiences all along the way.
HEJ Photography is basically Holly Elizabeth-Jean Photography, but not so much of a mouthful. I’m still new to the world of Professional Photography, but photography is my passion. I hope to expand my experience and knowledge a little more with every click of the shutter. I feel most at home when a camera is in my hand, so hopefully every time I have to go to work, its more like coming home.
2010 Honorable Mention
At the Clay County Fair (the second largest county fair in the world) I received an honorable mention on a portrait of my son against a brick wall. The photograph is featured in my children album, here on this site and linked here for convenience.
2010 Second Place Ribbon
At the Clay County Fair I received a Second Place ribbon for the a shot I did of my son on an old wooden bridge known as Thunder Bridge on the edge of town.
2010 Second Place Ribbon
At the Clay County Fair I received a Second Place Ribbon o this picture of beautiful yellow flowers.
2010 Second Place Ribbon
At the Clay County Fair I received a Second Place Ribbon for the linked picture. This picture was submitted under the photo manipulation as the colors have been edited.
2010 Third Place Ribbon
At the Clay County Fair the linked piece of a bee I had barely had the bravery to photograph received a Third Place Ribbon.
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