I left this site sit for some time and tried a generalized blog, the in the end I wanted something more... Something more like a website with a portfolio. So I came back to this site and decided to update it. I think though I am limited on space, I have made the most of it thus far. I am very pleased with the looks. As my business grows I will purchase more options, but for now, this is it.

I have been debating a URL change. My domain is up for renewal in July and I feel like I should really move to a (dot)com address. I am also thinking about changing the name to match my Facebook.  It would sure make it easier for some to remember.

I am working on specializing mainly in Newborn Portraits. I have added some newborn images to my portfolio here, and I think maybe newborns are my niche. I was so worried about my first time photographing a newborn. I stressed so badly I was watching YouTube Videos, and watching the newborn part of the first installment of this year's photovision. Everything seemed to make it out much harder than it really was. A nice slow approach and it all just fell into place so well. I was surprised myself how easily things came to me. The stress of a perfect pose was gone. Fold the baby up, and take several pictures. You do not have to worry about eyes being open enough, or squinting slightly. Or the perfect not cheesy smile. When I was looking through my film (digital images) I was shocked with my results. I had to remind myself that they were MY WORK.  I really loved the nice relaxed pace of the session, and cannot wait to do my next.

I have picked up two antique crate props. One was actually made into a wagon and the other is just a crate. I LOVE them. I cannot wait for this summer of Flea Markets and I can pick up more...

Right now I am not sure what I should worry most about. Marketing myself, or working on building my props. I want to invest in a polyvynal floor drop from Lemondrop. But if I get my name out there and book some more clients, I can invest in the more expensive products easier. So I am thinking of getting my name in the newspaper and ordering up some business cards... But then again I need to decide on if I am changing my domain name before I invest in something that will become obsolete in 2 months.

I am proud of myself for making it this far as of yet. I am really so happy when I am holding my camera. And I know if I keep at it, I can only go up... I shall leave you with a little quote I find inspiration.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars.